1. Subscription Cancellation and Refunds:
    Users retain the right to cancel their subscription at any time.
    How to cancel: To terminate the subscription, please notify us via email at Include your full name, reason for cancellation, and desired termination date. Also, ensure cancellation through your Bank, banking app, or PayPal – depending on how you subscribed.

    Note: Cancelling the subscription will terminate full access to the healing tracks, this includes access for all users associated to ‘Group Subscriptions’.

  1. Access and Privacy:
    All users associated with ‘Group Subscriptions’ may access an account using the shared login details of the subscriber, or by creating their own individual accounts. Note: Should individual account access be preferred for clients relating to Group Subscribers, we will either need to be informed of the username or email address of each user (via, or else the user will need to contact us themselves via the same email to let us know whose ‘Group Subscription’ account they are associated with so that their access can be enabled. User details will remain confidential and inaccessible to others.
  1. Modification of Terms:
    Best Binaurals reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions. Users will be duly informed of any changes.
  1. Termination of Accounts:
    Best Binaurals reserves the right to terminate accounts due to, fraudulent activities, inappropriate service use or violation of guidelines..
  1. Agreement Acceptance:
    By subscribing, users agree to comply with the outlined terms and conditions.
  1. Subscription and Payment Terms:
    Customers can opt for our ‘Single Subscription’ package at the cost of £6.99/month, £41.94/6 months, or £83.88/12 months. Each of these payment plans provides single account access only to our full tracklist.

    Customers can opt for our ‘Group Subscription’ package at the cost of £30/month, £153/6 months, or £270/12 months. Each of these payment plan options grants the subscriber and an unlimited amount of clients access to our full tracklist.

  1. Payment Options:
    Best Binaurals accepts all major credit cards, also via Paypal accounts.
  1. Refund Policy:
    Refunds are not issued once the subscription has been processed. Refer to the ‘Termination of Partnership’ section for cancellation procedures.
  1. Custom Made Tracks:
    Best Binaurals creates custom tracks upon request but reserves the right to reject certain requests.
  2. Confidentiality and Security:
    While Best Binaurals maintains a highly secure streaming platform, users must safeguard their access and refrain from sharing login details with unauthorized parties. Best Binaurals holds no responsibility for any leaked details.
  3. Usage Restrictions:
    Tracks are strictly for professional use and should not be resold, redistributed, or used commercially without explicit authorization.
  4. Liability and Disclaimer:
    Disclaimer: Our tracks promote relaxation and mental well-being. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent medical conditions. Seek professional medical advice for health concerns. – Best Binaurals disclaims any healing claims, and individual experiences may vary.